Coolant is one of the significant aspects of any engine that needs to be replaced periodically to maintain efficiency. While the new coolant returns the old one, it is an essential consideration – How to dispose of your car’s coolant?
As the coolant is highly toxic, discarding it properly is essential.
Different Kinds of Antifreeze
Antifreeze generally consists of two kinds of glycol:
- Ethylene glycol-based antifreeze: The most commonly used glycol used in antifreeze was ethylene glycol. It is a dangerous substance that could create congenital disabilities, reproductive problems or even death if inhaled and requires careful handling. Ethylene glycol antifreeze is sweet in odor and flavour, making it highly appealing to small children or animals.
- Propylene glycol as antifreeze Another alternative base for antifreeze could be propylene glycol. There are little differences in how either. The advantage is in the toxicity levels, and Propylene glycol antifreeze is considerably less harmful than ethylene glycol. It doesn’t mean that children and pets shouldn’t consume it safely, but unlike alcohol, propylene glycol isn’t poisonous at low levels.
Antifreeze mixes with water but contains other chemicals, such as propylene glycol, ethylene glycol and Methanol. Ingestion of a small amount can be toxic to animals and humans — animals are especially attracted by its smell.
How Do You Get Rid of the Radiator’s Fluid?
Always wear safety gear, such as goggles, gloves, masks, and goggles when draining your radiator and installing antifreeze. To get rid of old antifreeze, park your car in a level area and let the engine completely cool. Remove the battery before removing your radiator. This assures that there is no electrical damage result.
Put a drain pan on the drain valve, and then close the valve using pliers. Let the antifreeze liquid be wholly absorbed into the pan before tightening it again. Transfer the old antifreeze to an airtight plastic container. Review the owner’s guide for your car or consult the manufacturer to determine the amount of antifreeze replacement required or the appropriate amount of water and antifreeze you need to pour into your radiator.
To properly dispose of antifreeze that is used or old, be sure to keep these rules in your head:
1. Don’t pour the waste antifreeze down the toilet.
Animals could still be able to access the liquid that flows down the storm drain, and they can consume it as it smells sweet and taste. It should also not be placed in a septic tank.
2. Find the hazardous waste or recycling facility.
The State’s Department of Waste Management website provides guidelines and locations for recycling or disposal of antifreeze. Find a reliable recycling or disposal location, and then call to find out what you can do to preserve and record the antifreeze used. If the antifreeze has been contaminated by gas, oil, or other substances, it’s considered contamination and is not recyclable. In this instance, you should search the site for hazardous chemical disposal.
You can also contact your local recycling centre, government, mechanic, and automotive shops to assist with the used antifreeze disposal. Earth 911’s Recycling Locator is a valuable database that can be searched. Click “antifreeze” and type in your zip code to find recycling facilities in your vicinity.
The authorised landfills will accept non-contaminated, used antifreeze and call the local dump to find out whether they have tanks that can be used to dispose of antifreeze.
3. Consider recycling centre or service station and auto part shop.
Although there aren’t any EPA regulations, various service providers may be willing to take, treat, and eliminate antifreeze, motor oil, or other oils. Once you have located a disposal location, be sure to follow these 3 guidelines for proper disposal:
- Be sure that toxic and old antifreeze is separated and stored in separate containers. They need different disposal methods as tainted antifreeze could contain heavy metals and is considered hazardous waste; therefore, only a specific type of facility can handle it.
- Transfer the substance to an appropriate disposal facility, or hire an industrial waste haulier to remove the antifreeze on your behalf.
- Specific locations have cooling equipment which removes glycol from old coolant and, using an additive, converts it into reusable. But, this process requires that the antifreeze be uncontaminated by oil or other substances not to be effective.
4. Don’t pour your antifreeze out onto the floor.
If you spill something outside, take these steps:
- Put on gloves that are protective or wear masks to avoid breathing through the smell.
- The spill should be covered with an absorbent substance like baking soda, cat litter, or sand.
- The materials are covered with paper towels and allowed to rest for no more than 3 hours.
- Wipe the surface and paper towels using dry paper towels, then put them all in the garbage. Cover the bag with a seal and wash your hands thoroughly.
- Clean the area with soapy water. Clean any remaining stains with water.
- Let the air in the wet spot dry as long as possible, or cover it on top of the newspaper or towels.
Frequently Asked Questions
What About Contaminated Oil?
Certified used oil centres generally never accept used motor oil, which includes other fluids such as water, antifreeze, gasoline or solvents. However, they can assist you with the proper disposal instructions, and you can also get information from the local government. Before draining out the old coolant oil, employ the absorbent material to avoid any free draining liquid.
Is it possible to Put Coolant in the Dirt?
Don’t pour your antifreeze down the sink, and don’t pour antifreeze out on the ground. You can take your old, used or contaminated antifreeze to a local service station, recycling centre, or auto parts shop.
Is it possible to pour Coolant Down the Sink?
Whatever happens, do not flush your antifreeze down the toilet. Despite being slightly diluted by water, antifreeze still contains toxic chemicals such as ethylene glycol and propylene glycol, harming humans and animals.
Consider Reading: What Coolant Does my Car Need?
Can I put antifreeze in the toilet bowl?
Antifreeze can now be poured down the drains or into the toilets.
Are car coolants bad for the environment?
Potential environmental impacts: Antifreeze may pollute groundwater, surface waters, drinking water supplies, and marine life if disposed of, spilt or leaked. Antifreeze can be contaminated by fuel or lead in an engine and must be treated as hazardous waste.
What is the shelf life of antifreeze?
Disposing of ethylene glycol products may also allow it to enter the environment. Ethylene glycol will be eliminated in 10 days in the air. Water and soil: Ethylene glycol in water and soil will break down within a few days.
How to Check the Engine Coolant levels?
The overflow tank can be used to check the coolant level. Two indicators are located on the side tank; one indicates the safe level for hot engines and the other when it is cold.
You can add a few ounces of water to bring your coolant level up to the desired level. You can add more liquid than 1 quart to your cooling system using a glycol/water-antifreeze mixture.
Some vehicle recovery tanks are pressurized while the engine is heating up, making them as dangerous as radiator caps. The caps of pressurized recovery tanks have warning decals, and they are system pressure caps and not a simple plug-off or twist-off cap.

My Name is Christopher Angels, and I am a postgraduate in mechanical engineering. Cars have always excited me as a child, and soon I decided to dive into the world of cars by pursuing mechanical engineering. I also worked as a Mechanic for over 3 years to understand Cars’ anatomy and how each part contributes to its working.
My Name is Christopher Angels, and I am a postgraduate in mechanical engineering. Cars have always excited me as a child, and soon I decided to dive into the world of cars by pursuing mechanical engineering. I also worked as a Mechanic for over 3 years to understand Cars' anatomy and how each part contributes to its working.